Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

Germanic Philologists Association of Ukraine

Pennsylvania State University (USA)




We are pleased to announce that the 2020 International Conference of Linguists, Educators, and Translators will be held in Chernivtsi, Ukraine on May 7-8, 2020. It will be hosted by Yuriy Fedkovych National University, College of Modern European Languages with the theme “Topical Issues of Romance-Germanic Philology and Translation”.

With the theme revolving around Philology for Educators and Translators the next year’s conference will include speakers from all across the philological sector eager to help scholars and educators advance their practices and theoretical background within their profession.

At the 2020 International Conference, attendees will be given the opportunity to learn, educate, advocate and collaborate to work out new vistas in Philology, Translation, and Education.

The conference will be the best opportunity to present and share your experiences in the following but not limited to fields: Terminology, Translation, Linguistic Semantics, Cognitive Linguistics, and Education.

The languages of the conference are Ukrainian, English, German, and French.

IMPORTANT! The participants may publish the results of their research either in a scientific journal “Germanic Philology” (see the requirements) or a collective monograph “Multidimensional Space of Philological Studies” (see the requirements). 

Postgraduate students should present the recommendations of their scientific supervisors.

Payment terms.  Registration fee is 160 . The publication fee is 50 a page. No fees for doctors and full professors. 

Bank requisites: PrivatBank card No 5168 7573 4331 4961 – Kosenko Anna Volodymyrivna. Please indicate your surname and first name.

The deadline for paper submission is March 10, 2020 (included).

The papers should be submitted at

Official invitation will be sent to the participants with the Second Announcement (tentatively in March, 2020).

Stay tuned and save the date!

If you have any inquiries, please contact

Organizing Committee Secretary:   Anna Volodymyrivna Kosenko, Associate Professor, PhD +380952212511



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